Want to get the latest Video Player experience on your device?HD Video player all format, you can easily manage and play videos.It supports ALL video formats, 4K/ultra HD video files, and plays them with high-definition. It is an amazing HD video player for android.All Format Video PlayerHD Video player for all format: 4k videos, 1080p videos, MKV, MP4,AVI, FLV, F4V, 3GP, M4V, TS, MPG, MOV, WMV, RMVB, WEBM etcHD Video Player with speed controlYou can adjust media speed from 0.5 to 2.0 easily with this HD Video Player.POP-UP Video PlayerWatch video in pop-up window, split screen for convenient multitasking.Background Video PlayerEnjoy video in the background just like a music player to save battery.Easy to useEasy to control brightness, volume and playing progress by sliding on the playback screen.Files managerIdentify ALL video files on your device and SD Card automatically. In addition, manage or share videos easily.*Download Video Player All Formats for android tablets and android phones now to play your favorite songs and videos!*
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