VVM is a proprietary video format that addresses common problems that video publishers encounter when they try to sell their files. The VVM format, which can be viewed on iPhone and Android products, fights piracy, tracks and controls usage, and enables the collection of feedback from users.
This format fights piracy because each video, prior to downloading, is embedded with custom codes at When the video is first downloaded, it is automatically registered at, and it will not run on any other device.
This format also enables publishers to embed questions that they can ask the viewers immediately before and/or after the video is shown. The answers are saved on our servers and made available to the publishers. This feature is useful for academics, political consultants, and advertising firms.
Finally, this format enables publishers to control the availability of their videos. For example, it enables publishers to configure videos exclusively for rental. In minutes, they can configure the rental for hours, days, or weeks.
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