Sounds and Colours 2 - Eritrea

Sounds and Colours 2 - Eritrea


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Start the app, after the splash screen you are presented with the information sheet which scrolled to the end reveals a button to play the videoclip. Map and other otpions are available via the menu button. Since 1990, World On Communications has realized more than 80 videoguides about several suggestive places around the world. Every videoguide has been conceived how an itinerary that people can easily retrace. Now, these videoguides and their information are used to compile this new serial of android apps.
Every app is structured in 3 parts: - Map - Information Sheet - Video clip

In this app "ERITREA - Sounds and Colours 2" the videoclip is focused on some traditional marriage's scenes we filmed in Asmara.

No vaccinations are required unless special you go off the beaten track
tourist. Recommended in other cases, as a precaution, vaccination against yellow fever, typhoid, dengue, hepatitis C.
Do not drink tap water!!! Please, use bottled water or purified water, that is cheaper and also available in plastic jar of 525 litres. Food is safe as well as ice-cream.
However, check with your clinic of infectious diseases, before leaving because the conditions of each country vary from month to month.

ASMARA, the capital town of Eritrea is set at about 2500 m.a.s.l. and, climate is quite mild all year round with some sporadic rainfalls. But, usually they last one or two hours and the sun come out again clear in the sky to warm the air.
Humidity is very low and if you are walking in the sunny side, just stop few second below a palm tree or in a shadow spot to soon be refreshed.

This app guide is realized by my solo company World On Communications.
This app do not use Sensor nor Geolocation tracker, so it will not guide you to this destination from your house. Besides we do not collect any user data and no internet connection is required to watch the video or whatsoever.
Please, take note that this app is only an information multimedia brochure.

Written and Directed by: Angelo Giammarresi

We invite you to look for our other products in
this Marketplace and in our website

Copyright 2011 World On Communications
Via Carlo Marx 101
27024 Cilavegna - Italy
support email:

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Sounds and Colours 2 - Eritrea
Sounds and Colours 2 - Eritrea
Sounds and Colours 2 - Eritrea
Sounds and Colours 2 - Eritrea


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