Blue Browser

Blue Browser


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Blue Browser, it's straightforward, it's a browser

We keep all the core benefits of the browser, remove the inconvenient and complicated parts,

We launch in a trace-free mode, without recording user data, starting from the first side of the beginning.
-We have lightning-fast startup and shutdown, and there are no opening screens and other ads。

minimalist doesn't mean simple, Blue Browser gives you a powerful and high-speed Internet experience:

Minimalist interface
Icon visual clarity, a glance through the sea of icons to lock us, when you need to browser search, you must not want to find it all at once.

Simple navigation
Built-in popular web sites for people, so that every hobbyist you can refreshingly and simply access with the shortcut icon of that website.

Super Search
The intelligent search engine with extremely fast Internet access, low memory, traffic saving and minimal interface.

All these experience upgrades are free, no thinking, and directly available after yo

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Blue Browser
Blue Browser
Blue Browser
Blue Browser


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