National NCD App

National NCD App


National Health Portal-MoHFW
APK डाउनलोड करें

के साथ शेयर करें:


The NCD-GoI ANM application allows the health-workers to do population enumeration of the community level, perform risk assessments for the enrolled population and screen the individuals for the 5 Non Communicable Diseases – Hypertension, Diabetes, Oral, Breast and Cervical cancers. Based on the screening results, the individuals will be referred to higher facilities for further treatment and disease management. The application also allows the health-workers to follow-up with the individuals for treatment adherence and review self and sub-center’s performance against targets.

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स्क्रीन शॉट्स

National NCD App
National NCD App
National NCD App
National NCD App


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