Welcome to K MANGA - the official Kodansha manga app where you can dive into your favorite Kodansha titles every day. With K MANGA, you can immerse yourself in renowned titles such as 'Attack on Titan', 'Ghost in the Shell', 'Fairy Tail', 'Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting Spirits', 'Tokyo Revengers', and many more.
Enjoy reading popular manga, ongoing series available simultaneously in Japan and the US, or explore new original series on K MANGA right from your phone or tablet. Dive into a new story whenever you like. Show your support for your favorite authors by reading the titles through official releases.
- Access to a vast collection of over 500 titles from Kodansha’s Manga Catalog
- More than 60 original manga series available the moment they are published in Japan
- Discover fresh stories from your favorite titles, original series, and continuously added new titles
- Read a new chapter for free every day
- Encompasses a wide range of genres from Action, Romance, Sports, Isekai, Suspense, Drama, Fantasy, and more
- Official service that supports your favorite authors
Explore Famous Kodansha Manga:
- 'Attack on Titan'
- 'Ghost in the Shell'
- 'Fairy Tail'
- 'Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting Spirits'
- 'Tokyo Revengers'
- 'Initial D'
Discover K MANGA Original Series Simulpubbed with Japan:
- 'Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro'
- 'The Fragrant Flower Blooms with Dignity'
- 'As a Reincarnated Aristocrat, I’ll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the World'
- 'Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian'
Explore a diverse array of genres including Action, Romance, Sports, Isekai, Suspense, Outlaws, Drama, Fantasy, Slice of Life, Shojo, and more.
If you're a fan of K MANGA or curious about our latest titles, follow us on X: [https://twitter.com/KMANGA_KODANSHA] - Stay updated on our releases and exciting news!
स्क्रीन शॉट्स