La description
With the Visual Capture App it is possible to create patient-related health data and upload it into the patient's medical record.
As a user of the app, you can search for patients based on their demographic data. To avoid confusion, patients are identified by name, gender, date of birth and patient ID, or can simply be searched by scanning the patient’s barcode.
Once a patient has been selected, an overview of the patient is displayed. In this overview all data can be seen that have already been uploaded with the Visual Capture App. By including the patient in the patient list, patient-related health data (image, video or audio files) can be created and added. These can then be uploaded to the patient's medical record.
The application complies with security standards and national and international data protection guidelines. All created and downloaded files are stored in a App-specific security store that is accessible only by the Visual Capture App.
Captures d’écrans