Brain Love Story - Brain Puzzle Games

Brain Love Story - Brain Puzzle Games


Zego Global Publishing
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La description

Parles-tu souvent à ton cerveau ?
Hé, l'ami, ça roule ?! C'est moi, ton cerveau azimuté ! Bavardons un peu, j'ai une surprise pour toi... Si tu es suffisamment intrépide, pose-toi trois questions simples :
1. En as-tu ras le bol des règles et autres règlements ?
Bon travail ! Question suivante, s'il te plaît.
2. Tu veux des idées originales plein la tête ?
Et pour finir en beauté :
3. Connais-tu le moyen de réfléchir d'une manière totalement unique et originale ?
Tu dois avoir tout faux, là ! Mais ne t'inquiète pas ! J'ai la solution ! Figure-toi que raisonner comme tout le monde, ça me fiche le cafard !
Let exercise every part of your brain
Identify the missing element and add it to the drawing in this delightful puzzle game that will get you thinking and make you smile time and time again
Just touch the screen and drag your finger to erase part of the drawing and see what lies behind it
Like a detective’s magnifying glass, your finger is the key to unraveling the hidden behind each character
Brain Love game’s feature
Investigate hundreds of entertaining levels chock-full of tricky brain teasers
Discover the unexpected twists hiding behind every image
Enjoy the delightful graphics with their unique cartoon style and cute animations
The optional music, sound effects, and vibration settings give you more control over your gameplay experience
Try, try and try again. There’s no penalty for failure in Brain Love. If you can’t find the right answer the first time, keep on thinking and keep on experimenting until you hit on the solution. What are you waiting for? Download the game: choose the best online store for your device (Keep in mind! There are only two possible options). Do it, I'm watching you!

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Brain Love Story - Brain Puzzle Games
Brain Love Story - Brain Puzzle Games
Brain Love Story - Brain Puzzle Games
Brain Love Story - Brain Puzzle Games


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