JAKI - Jakarta Kini

JAKI - Jakarta Kini


Pemprov DKI Jakarta
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Access various official information and various community services from DKI Jakarta Provincial Government with one application, JAKI.

Through JAKI, you can access official information about Jakarta directly from Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) and Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD). JAKI is also a portal for integrating various public services in Jakarta, providing a new space for reporting city problems, and the first city-based application developed by the Jakarta Smart City Management Unit.

JAKI provides various helpful features to improve the quality of Jakartans. JAKI serve you with featured categories, such as:

Reports and Emergencies
JAKI has a Citizen Report feature that helps you report various non-emergency problems in Jakarta. Incoming reports will be directly handled by the relevant department and you can monitor them on your phone. Need immediate help during an emergency? The Emergency Contact feature is ready to be your assistant. Ambulance service is also one call away if you need them.

In the health sector, JAKI has Healthcare Appointment feature to make your check up more comfortable because queuing for health facilities can be done online.

Social and Economic
Want to pay your taxes or retribution in Jakarta? The Taxes feature is ready to make it easy for you. There is also a Groceries price so you can monitor the groceries prices at the nearest market.

Want to go around Jakarta without any hassle? Just use the Public Transportation feature! Help you navigate public transit easily in Jakarta.

Public Information
Need valid news and information about Jakarta? Read News on JAKI and keep updated with official news, no hoaxes!. Finding nearby public facilities and spaces will be easier using Maps. You can also monitor the traffic jams via JAKI Maps. Oh, you have limited internet access but still want to exist while traveling in Jakarta? Don't worry, Free WiFi to the rescue!

No more worry trapped in a flood area, because at JAKI you can use the Flood Monitoring feature. You can also check the air quality around you on JAKI, in real-time!

Ready to go? JAKI #makesiteasy for you to live tranquilly in Jakarta. Let's be a Smartcitizen with JAKI!

Want to learn more about JAKI's Privacy Policy? Go to jaki.jakarta.go.id/privacy-policy/ for more.


About Jakarta Smart City
Jakarta Smart City (JSC) is a unit under the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's Office of Communication, Information and Statistics. Jakarta Smart City adapts the smart city concept by optimizing information and communication technology to identify, analyze, and control various kinds of data efficiently and effectively. That way, public services and sustainable development in Jakarta can be realized better.

Stay up-to-date with JAKI and Jakarta Smart City via
JAKI website: https://jaki.jakarta.go.id/
JAKI User Terms: https://jaki.jakarta.go.id/terms-and-condition/
JAKI Privacy Policy: https://jaki.jakarta.go.id/privacy-policy/
JAKI Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jakisuperapp/
JSC Twitter: https://twitter.com/JSCLab
JSC Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jsclab/
JSC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JSCLounge/
JSC website: https://smartcity.jakarta.go.id

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JAKI - Jakarta Kini
JAKI - Jakarta Kini
JAKI - Jakarta Kini


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