POSPAY is a digital platform based on Giropos accounts provided to Giropos account holders so they can access Giropos services and other postal financial transaction services on a 'mobile' basis.
By using 'POSPAY' you are given the convenience and facilities of 'mobile' financial transaction services that can be accessed anytime and anywhere, such as:
a. Bill Payment Services: Payment of various bills: Electricity, PDAM, Motorbike Installments, Cars, BPJS, Credit purchases, electricity tokens and many more.
b. Money transfer via Weselpos Instant service. Send money as fast as sms.
c. Financial Management through Giropos Services: saving funds in a Giropos account, easy, safe and comfortable.
d. Scan QR Code facility for payments / purchases via merchant / Micro Payment on the basis of a Giropos Account.
e. Financial Planning etc.
The 'POSPAY' service complements PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) 's existing network and service points (Point of Sales) of around 58,700 points in the form of Post Offices, Agenpos, Mobile Postal Service, and others throughout Indonesia.
Use POSPAY for the convenience and convenience of your financial transaction service needs.
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