Magnifying Pro

Magnifying Pro



Magnifying Team
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Magnifying Pro allows you to use your Phone as a full-screen magnifier with the flashlight! With this app, you can use your phone's camera to magnify text, images, or anything else. It's a great alternative when you need to read small print or when you just can't be bothered to put on your glasses. Magnifying Pro can be used also at restaurants, movie theaters, or anywhere else with low light. What you can do with this magnifying glass: - Read text, business cards or newspapers with no glasses - Check the details of your medicine bottle prescription - Read menu in a dark light restaurant - Check serial Numbers From Back Of Device (WiFi, TV’s, Washer, DVD, Refrigerator, etc.) - Replace backyard bulb at night - Find things in purse - Can be used as Microscope (for more fine and tiny images, though, this is not a real microscope)

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Magnifying Pro
Magnifying Pro
Magnifying Pro


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