My Overtime BD

My Overtime BD


Bari Labs
ডাউনলোড করুন APK

শেয়ার করুনঃ


Overtime is when workers work on extra time. Despite working hard, many people get less overtime. So keeping the workers in mind, Mr. Saiful Bari created the first mobile overtime counting application in Bangladesh. Many people write their overtime notes in notes or dairy every month, not because of someone's laziness. Many are getting less money because they can't count overtime. They do not get the right price for their labor.

With the My Overtime BD app, you can easily calculate the cost per hour by saving the overtime record per month and this application can be calculated with the attached calculator. This application will benefit all workers. There is also an option called Entertainment, which offers the added benefit of watching videos, magazines and live game scores.

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My Overtime BD
My Overtime BD
My Overtime BD
My Overtime BD


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