Mr Obby's Detention

Mr Obby's Detention


ডাউনলোড করুন APK

শেয়ার করুনঃ


In this obby escape game, Melon and Kissy are in detention with Mr. Stinky and they need to find a way to escape! Can they solve the puzzles and escape before the detention is over?

This obby escape game is a fun way to spend some time and play with your friends. Test your puzzle-solving skills and see if you can escape Mr. Stinky's detention! Make your way through dangerous obstacles, teachers, and boss fights and escape this obby / parkour!

No student has EVER escaped Mr. Stinky, can we be the first? Let's play MR STINKY'S DETENTION with Molly and Daisy!

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Mr Obby's Detention
Mr Obby's Detention
Mr Obby's Detention
Mr Obby's Detention


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