India Map Quiz

India Map Quiz


Qbis Studio
ডাউনলোড করুন APK

শেয়ার করুনঃ


You want to remember all states and union territories of India but you always forget one?
You want to learn India geography but you have not enough time for that?

Here we are! With India Quiz you will become a master in India geography in details and you will have fun!

Learn a lot of different categories:
*union territories
*national parks
*sea ports
*mountain passes
*tiger reserves
*elephant reserves
*historic locations
*biodiversity sites

Prepare for competitive exams or even UPSC exam!

Do not hesitate and download right now.

বেশি দেখান

স্ক্রীন শট

India Map Quiz
India Map Quiz
India Map Quiz
India Map Quiz


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India Map Quiz এর সাথে একই

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