Rumo ao estrelato

Rumo ao estrelato


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Submit your video and get rated by scouts in Brazil, USA and the rest of the world!Have you thought about playing abroad?We offer opportunities in teams from Brazil and the world, this is a great chance for you to play in the United States, Europe and Asia. Just upload your videos showing all your talent and you will be evaluated by scouts in Brazil and the world.Our goal is to connect great clubs with great players.Connecting you to teams in the United States, which in addition to offering the best conditions to their players, you can join an American college free of charge !!This is the real chance for you to become a professional player, post a video with a soccer game, soccer training or individual plays, record your best move and be seen by great clubs and coaches from Brazil and the world.Do not waste time! Get the app.Young talents from the base can upload their videos and post their photos showing their best moments and achievements on the field.Want to become a football player like Neymar, Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo? Don't give up on your dreams, this can be a great opportunity for you to enter the world of football or improve your working conditions even more.

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Rumo ao estrelato
Rumo ao estrelato
Rumo ao estrelato


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