The Revolution of Our Times I

The Revolution of Our Times I



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Hong Kong was once a prosperous city protected by rule of law, but Carrie Lam has single-handedly destroyed everything by trying to pass a very controversial extradition bill while ignoring the wishes of more than two million Hong Kong people. She has tried to subdue the protests by deploying tear gas and allowing police brutality, but the people of Hong Kong have shown the world their unyielding determination by swinging their fists against bullets. She has tried to sway public opinion by deliberately allowing the enraged protesters to vent their fury in the Legislative Council, but the people of Hong Kong have stayed united. She has tried to quench the fury of the protesters by pretending to be willing to talk while allowing the police to shoot live rounds at students, and the people of Hong Kong have come out in greater numbers. She has tried to quell the movements by invoking the emergency law, but the people of Hong Kong haven't backed down because they know there's no going back to normal life without victory. And now, you have a chance to join the brave people of Hong Kong and experience what it's like to be a Hongkonger by playing this text-based RPG game. You will be playing as a young man who have actively participated in the Umbrella Movement in 2014. Make your own decisions and fight for your freedom! Icons by Icons8



The Revolution of Our Times I
The Revolution of Our Times I
The Revolution of Our Times I
The Revolution of Our Times I


