Dalmax Men's Morris

Dalmax Men's Morris


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The classic Nine Men's Morris game, with some variants, both in number of tokens and in form of the board.

You have to form row of 3 tokens to remove your opponent's token.
Start by placing your tokens in the board, and then move them,
when one player has only 3 tokens he can move them in every place to make the game more funny in the endgame, anyway this option can be setted in the game rules, if you don't like it you can disable it.

When a player remain with only 2 token or cannot move, he lose the game.

The available variants of the game are:
- 9 Men's Morris
- 11 Men's Morris
- 12 Men's Morris
- 3 Men's Morris (and the flying related: "9 holes")
- 4 Men's Morris
- 5 Men's Morris
- 6 Men's Morris
- 7 Men's Morris

In each variant the option by which when a player have only 3 tokens can move them everywhere is selectable.


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Dalmax Men's Morris
Dalmax Men's Morris
Dalmax Men's Morris
Dalmax Men's Morris


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