Slime Hunter : Monster Rapmage

Slime Hunter : Monster Rapmage



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"A sticky creature... It initially appeared cute and harmless on the surface.
However, through countless evolutions, it developed intelligence and began to consume and absorb everything in the world.
In response, the hunters emerged to combat it..."

✨Hyper Casual Shoothing Roguelike!
Simple and Intuitive Control!
Addictive gameplay packed with action!

✨Slime Hunter with a lot of personality!
Combine character-specific skills with roguelike abilities!
Fight against slimes with flashy and strategic combos!

✨My Own Fighting Style!
Develop your own combat style!
Wipe up the enemies by combining various equipment!

✨A World Full of Slimes!
Each chapter is implemented with different maps and environments!
Defeat slimes with various traits and save the world!

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Slime Hunter : Monster Rapmage
Slime Hunter : Monster Rapmage
Slime Hunter : Monster Rapmage
Slime Hunter : Monster Rapmage


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