Magic Beat Racing music game

Magic Beat Racing music game


ডাউনলোড করুন APK

শেয়ার করুনঃ


Welcome to Magic Beat Racing :music game, let’s drive and drag your car to catch the rhythm.

【How to play】
- Over 10 cars to choose.
- Select your favorite song and tap to play
- Drive and Drag the car to catch the rhythm.
- Be careful and don't miss any rhythms!

【Game features】
- SIMPLE Game Control Experiences
- Thrilling level designs
- A Wide Variety of motorcycles for choose
- Simple gameplay mechanic but addictive experience

If any producer or label has an issue with any of the music used in the game, please send email to us and it will be deleted immediately if necessary (this includes the images used).

বেশি দেখান

স্ক্রীন শট

Magic Beat Racing music game
Magic Beat Racing music game
Magic Beat Racing music game
Magic Beat Racing music game


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