Kite Flying - Layang Layang

Kite Flying - Layang Layang


Maiworm Digital Strategy
ডাউনলোড করুন APK

শেয়ার করুনঃ


Kite Flying - Pipa Combate is a real kite simulator and worldwide phenomenon of popularity.
The objective is to fight and cut the enemy kites in a real battle in the sky, in its multiplayer version you can fight against kites from all countries.

* Play with your friends online, choose the room and challenge them!
* Choose from 500 available kites!
* Cut the line and trim the opposing kites!
* Try the different line types!
* Select the ideal scenario!
* Have fun with a lively soundtrack and funk from Brazil!

বেশি দেখান

স্ক্রীন শট

Kite Flying - Layang Layang
Kite Flying - Layang Layang
Kite Flying - Layang Layang
Kite Flying - Layang Layang


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Maiworm Digital Strategy থেকে আরো

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