Josh - Live Calls & Chat

Josh - Live Calls & Chat


Josh Team
ডাউনলোড করুন APK

শেয়ার করুনঃ


Josh is your all-in-one platform for live private calls, chat, short videos and audio stories! With millions of users and broadcasters, Josh brings you 24/7 entertainment in 12 Indian languages. Here's why Josh is the app to tango with:

**Live conversations**: Connect with thousands of people who share your interests and languages.
**Make new friends**: Build relationships with broadcasters across India through live 1:1 audio calls.
**Become a star**: Get famous by becoming a viral broadcaster, engage with fans and receive gifts.
**Private messaging**: Chat privately with broadcasters and friends and share videos and stories.

**Josh Features**

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Josh - Live Calls & Chat
Josh - Live Calls & Chat
Josh - Live Calls & Chat
Josh - Live Calls & Chat


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