Gift Water

Gift Water


Money from your phone
ডাউনলোড করুন APK

শেয়ার করুনঃ


◀ How can I win or withdraw prizes?
• To withdraw money or the card, you must collect the required sun coins, and to obtain them there are several ways:

◀ Complete surveys and offers.

◀ Referral sharing:
• Share your referral link with friends and earn Gift Water coins.

◀ Withdrawal:
• You can withdraw through many methods, including electronic wallets, games, and also recharge card codes...

◀Shipping duration
• Your reward usually arrives after 6 hours or 12 hours maximum

বেশি দেখান

স্ক্রীন শট

Gift Water
Gift Water
Gift Water
Gift Water


গ্রমাগরম বিষয়গুলো

Gift Water এর সাথে একই

শীর্ষ গেম