Chromecast built-in

Chromecast built-in


Google LLC
ডাউনলোড করুন APK

শেয়ার করুনঃ


Google Cast is a technology that enables multi-screen experiences and lets a user send and control content like video from a small computing device like a phone, tablet, or laptop to a large display device like a television.

This app includes Chromecast built-in for Android TV.

Available and pre-installed only on Google approved Android TV devices.

বেশি দেখান

স্ক্রীন শট

Chromecast built-in
Chromecast built-in
Chromecast built-in
Chromecast built-in


গ্রমাগরম বিষয়গুলো

Chromecast built-in এর সাথে একই

Google LLC থেকে আরো

শীর্ষ গেম